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uniFLOW Online For Education

A cloud-based print and scan management solution designed to meet the needs of schools, colleges and higher education establishments.


Whether you are a small primary school or university with tens of thousands of students, uniFLOW Online has been designed to meet your fundamental need to provide reliable and secure printing, copying and scanning facilities to your students and staff, while managing and charging back costs correctly.

Benefits of using uniFLOW Online in your school
  • Enable secure, mobile and guest printing

    Students and staff can use their mobile devices to print, and jobs can be charged back to the appropriate department. They can also send print jobs to their personal secure print queues from outside the campus.

  • Maintain high document security standards

    From dissertations to tuition records, staff and students print and scan jobs need to be kept secure and confidential. uniFLOW Online prevents uncollected printouts by requiring authorisation before release and safeguards data with end-to-end encryption. Print jobs are securely stored in the cloud until they are released and no documents are left unattended on printers.

  • Charging students for printing and copying

    It can be commonplace in the education sector for students and teachers to have to pay for their printing and copying. In this case, it's important to be able to correctly track transactions and available funds. uniFLOW Online offers students a variety of methods to top up funds in their printing accounts, including Microsoft PowerShell scripts, using PayPal™ or WebPageMarketing (WPM).

  • Easy document distribution

    Students and staff that want to digitise their notes can do so through their print devices. They can also retrieve their documents on demand, regardless of their location.

Product features
  • Allocation by cost centres

    Cost centres, also known as billing codes or cases, allow print, scan or copy charges to be allocated to different projects or cases.

  • Secure print queues

    Secure printing, using personal secure print queues and restrict device access to authorised personnel only, is fully compliant with Zero Trust.

  • Double wallet system

    Primary and secondary wallets permit to distinguish top-ups made by an organisation or school, and top-ups made by students or employees.

  • Centralised Management Icon.

    Centralised management

    uniFLOW Online alleviates the burden of managing a modern IT network and offers a centralised IT administration platform. Regularly scheduled software updates for peace of mind that your school has the latest security features.

  • Display remaining budget

    After logging into the device, users see their remaining budget at the top of their print queue. uniFLOW Online calculates which jobs can be printed with the remaining budget and will reject any job(s) that exceed the budget. All costs incurred are deducted from a user's budget.

  • Intelligent scanning workflows

    Students and staff can distribute their scanned documents to the back-end-systems where they are required e.g. email, Dropbox, Evernote®, Google Drive™, ECM systems.

  • Multiple Authentication Methods Icon.

    Mutiple authentication methods

    To prevent unauthorised use of devices, users are required to authenticate themselves at the device using a card login, username/password, PIN code, job code, anonymous login, or a combination of these options.

  • Print from your own device

    By permitting students to use their own laptop, tablet, smartphone or school devices, students enjoy greater flexibility and education institutions have no need to offer additional devices.

PayPal budget top-up

Six Consecutive Years of BLI Awards

UniFLOW Online has once again impressed in the 2024 Buyers Lab Pick Awards, winning for the sixth consecutive year as an Outstanding Cloud Output Management Platform. Keypoint Intelligence recognised its powerful scanning functions, secure printing capabilities, and mobile/email printing functionalities. Users can easily scan documents to various cloud destinations such as Google Drive, Microsoft Teams and OneDrive for Business, and benefit from automatic background image processing options. The special text-block OCR option enables quick document filing by scanning batches of repetitive documents.

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Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why should you choose uniFLOW Online for your print, copy and scan management?

    uniFLOW Online is a scalable and modular platform to manage all printing, copying and scanning workflows in any facility within the education sector. It enables schools to realise significant cost savings via a range of features. Some of these features include “job routing” so that documents are rerouted to the most cost-efficient printer, or automatic deletion of jobs which have not been released within a set period. uniFLOW Online also provides improved security benefits. The secure print function can be enhanced by introducing intelligent scan workflows to add a real business process advantage.

  • How is uniFLOW Online licensed?

    Your needs will dictate whether a device-based or server-based licensing model will be required. With the two different licensing models, Canon can provide the most cost-effective solution to suit via a monthly subscription.

  • What is the typical cost savings?

    Cost savings are dependent on the feature set that is implemented. Most savings result from the automatic deletion of uncollected print jobs, correct cost allocation, rerouting of print jobs to more efficient devices and optimisation of scan processes. Schools typically see cost-savings when implementing secure print. Adding extra features will, of course, lead to increased productivity and further cost savings.

    If your school currently runs print management on servers, you could also potentially benefit from cost savings relating to the maintenance and the hardware itself.

  • What is the difference between uniFLOW and uniFLOW Online?

    uniFLOW is a server-based print, scan and device management solution and has a very large feature set so it can be expanded to cover additional processes such as scanning, mobile printing or production printing. It can also be customised to cater for a schools' specific requirements.

    uniFLOW Online is a cloud-based secure printing solution suitable for schools who don't want to invest in, manage or maintain local servers.

  • What is the double wallet system?

    uniFLOW's budget functionality has been designed to work with the double wallet concept differentiating between primary and secondary wallets to distinguish between top-ups made by a school, and top-ups made by students. The funds from both wallets are combined to make the total available budget which a student will use to print or copy. The primary wallet is charged first for print and copy costs. The secondary wallet is accessed once the primary wallet is depleted or has insufficient funds.