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Canon PIXMA MG3660 black front closed
PIXMA HOME MG3660 Support
Drivers & downloads

MG3600 series XPS Printer Driver Ver. 5.90b (Windows)

For Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64 Updated 09 Oct 2024

Content Id: 0100669302

About the driver


(Optional) This is an advanced printer driver. XPS printer drivers supports 16-bits per color (bpc) printing, which enables more smooth gradation printing than the current drivers (8-bpc printing).

Update History

- An internal processing has been improved.

- The modules for supporting the language have been updated.

- Windows 11 has been added as a supported OS.

System requirements

Windows 11
Windows 10 (32bit)
Windows 10 (64bit)
Windows 8.1(32bit)
Windows 8.1(64bit)
Windows 8(32bit)
Windows 8(64bit)
Windows 7(32bit)
Windows 7(64bit)
Windows Vista SP2 or later(32bit)
Windows Vista SP2 or later(64bit)

Setup Instructions

Download / Installation Procedures
1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
2. Double-click the downloaded EXE file to decompress it, then installation will start automatically.

A message may be displayed during the installation depending on the OS you are using, but continue the installation.


1.[Windows 11,Windows 10]
Some of the settings (such as borderless printing) in the OS standard print settings screen are not valid. the settings in the Printer printing Preferences window are valid. Make settings in Printer printing Preferences when necessary.

2.[Windows 11,Windows 10]
Layout printing from the OS standard print settings screen may not be performed as expected in Some instances.
In such cases, open the Printer Printing Preferences window and change the paper size accordingly.

- The IJ Preview does not work if Microsoft .NET Framework is not installed in PC.

- Download and install Microsoft .NET Framework Client Profile from Microsoft web site.

4.[Notice for installation]
- Only when The current printer driver is already installed, The XPS printer driver can be installed.

5.[Notice for uninstallation]
- No uninstaller for The XPS printer drivers.
- At The same time as The uninstaller of The printer driver is executed, The XPS printer driver will be uninstalled.

File information

File Name : xp68-win-mg3600-5_90b-ea34_2.exe
File Type : DR
File Size : 19503248KB