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Survival of the fittest: Using automation software

With competition increasing, how can your business stay ahead of the curve and leverage the latest automation software?

With the proliferation of cloud-based tools and digital marketing platforms, the pressure is on businesses to leverage the latest in automation offerings to boost efficiency, remain competitive and maintain sustainable growth.

In this highly competitive landscape, what are the key short-term and long-term benefits that businesses can reap by adopting effective automation software and practices?

Cutting down repetitive and manual tasks

New research has indicated that 93 per cent of staff waste two to 10 hours a week on repetitive or manual admin. Automating manual tasks, like invoice processing, will free employees to get on with the job of growing your business. Workload automation software helps businesses improve staff productivity by facilitating the streamlining and management of these otherwise mundane and time-intensive tasks. Over time, a company can reduce the costs normally associated with these admin or IT tasks, improving the company’s bottom line.

Breaking down the silos

Automated cloud-based platforms recognise that individual workflows within a company do not operate in isolation, but are part of an overarching process within the company. By breaking down the silos, automation practices and software simplify and streamline processes to run across all the company’s platforms and departments. It can then be adopted as part of a tailored, integrated end-to-end workflow that is shared across the board.

Scalable solution

One of the biggest challenges SMEs face is minimising cost and complexity as the organisation grows. Automation software platforms and tools can help tailor internal processes to ensure resources are being used to their full capacity and help manage more sustainable growth over time.

CRM-based solutions can help streamline client management, sales leads and opportunities, while cloud-based finance and tax and accounting tools can help ensure budget allocation and resource expenditure is being monitored at every business touchpoint.

No longer reserved for big business

Traditionally, only big businesses have maximised the potential of automation software, but advances in cloud-based platforms have meant more and more small to medium-sized businesses can enjoy the benefits of automated systems moving forward. Implementing the right automation solutions can optimise staff talent and IT resources, streamline business operations, open up opportunities to scale and reduce costs overall.

As a result, the latest automation software and solutions can help SMEs compete with their larger business counterparts more effectively. And while it does require an upfront cost, the long-term benefits of optimising efficiency, performance and growth significantly outweighs any initial expenses, making automation tools a commercially viable investment for the future of your business.

To find out more about the latest technology solutions shaping Australian business.

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