Firmware Version 1.4.0 incorporates the following fixes and enhancements:
1. Increases [No. of shots] in [Interval timer] up to 9999.
2. Adds [FEM] to [Flash C.Fn settings].
Also, adds [ON/ETTL→M] to [Customize buttons].
Enables the ability to set Flash exposure memory (FE memory) from the camera when using Speedlites without an LCD panel.
3. Adds Protect Images During [FTP Transfer] to the camera menu. Images transferred via FTP can now be automatically protected. The user can determine if images have already been transferred via FTP.
4. The following issues have been fixed.
4-1. Fixes an issue that may cause the camera, in rare instances, to experience a delayed restart after the camera has gone into Auto Power Off.
4-2. Enhances security for FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Security) connections.
4-3. Fixes an issue that, under specific circumstances and in rare instances, may prevent the image from being displayed in the viewfinder or on the screen causing the camera to stop operating, or Error Code 70 may be displayed.
4-4. Fixes an issue that may cause the In-Body Image Stabilizer not to initialize when a vibration occurs when the camera is turned on, and Error Code 20 may be displayed.
4-5. Fixes an issue that may result in Error Code 70 being displayed when the user is shooting in A+ Mode or with the camera set to AI Focus AF.
4-6. Fixes an issue that may cause the card access lamp to start flashing and the camera to not operate normally when shooting small subjects.
4-7. Fixes an issue that may cause the camera to continue shooting when the user presses the shutter button and another button at the same time.
Firmware Version 1.4.0 is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.3.0. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.4.0, it is not necessary to update the firmware.
The User Manual on our website has been updated accordingly. Please download the User Manual as well as the latest firmware. You can download it from the official website.
Q&A Section:
Preparations for the firmware update:
In the folder you downloaded are the firmware (R6214000.FIR / file size: 74,802,368 bytes) and instructions on the firmware update procedures (a PDF file in five languages: Japanese, English, French, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese). Before starting the firmware update operations, please be sure to carefully review the instructions to confirm your understanding of the firmware update procedures.
Firmware download link: